Lamm - Lamb - Gosht
Lammkeulenstücke in milder sauce aus Sahne, Kokos, Mandeln und Cashew.
Lamb shank pieces in mild sauce with milk cream, cocos, almond and cashew..
Lamb shank pieces in mild sauce with milk cream, cocos, almond and cashew..
- 52: Bhuna Ghost
- 17,90€
Lammkeulenstücke in delikater Sauce mit Tomaten, Zwiebeln, Knoblauch, Ingwer.
Lamb shank pieces in delicate sauce with tomatoes, onions, garlic & ginger
Lamb shank pieces in delicate sauce with tomatoes, onions, garlic & ginger
- 53: Lamb Dansek
- 17,90€
Lammkeulenstücke in exotischer Sauce aus Linsen und Ananas.
Lamb shank pieces in mild exotic sauce with lentils and pineaplle
Lamb shank pieces in mild exotic sauce with lentils and pineaplle
Im Tandoori gegrilltes Lammfilet in delikat gewürzter Sauce.
Tandoor grilled lamb filet in delicately flavoured sauce..
Tandoor grilled lamb filet in delicately flavoured sauce..
- 55: Karahi Gosht
- 17,90€
Lammkeulenstücke in pikanter Sauce mit Tomaten, Knoblauch, Zwiebeln, Paprika und Ingwer.
Lamb shank pieces in spicy sauce with garlic, onions, tomatoes, paprika and ginger.
Lamb shank pieces in spicy sauce with garlic, onions, tomatoes, paprika and ginger.
Lammkeulenstücke in mittelscharfer Sauce mit Kartoffelstücken.
Lamb shank pieces in spicy sauce with potatoes, onions, garlic & ginger.
Lamb shank pieces in spicy sauce with potatoes, onions, garlic & ginger.
- 57: Bhindi Gosht
- 17,90€
Lammkeulenstücke in aromatischer Sauce mit Okra, Zwiebeln, Knoblauch und Ingwer.
Lamb shank pieces in aromatic sauce with okra (Ladies Finger / Gumbo), onion, garlic and ginger.
Lamb shank pieces in aromatic sauce with okra (Ladies Finger / Gumbo), onion, garlic and ginger.
Lammkeulenstücke in aromatischer Mischung aus Blattspinat, Tomaten & Zwiebeln.
Lamb shank pieces, aromatic combination with spinach leaves, tomatoes and onions.
Lamb shank pieces, aromatic combination with spinach leaves, tomatoes and onions.
- 59: Channa Gosht
- 17,90€
Lammkeulenstücke mit Kichererbsen in milder Curry Sauce.
Lamb shank pieces with chickpeas in mild curry-sauce
Lamb shank pieces with chickpeas in mild curry-sauce
- 60: Roghan Gosht
- 17,90€
Lammkeulenstücke in Curry Sauce mit Tomaten, Karotten, Paprika & Knoblauch.
Lamb shank pieces in curry sauce with tomato, carrots, paprika and garlic.
Lamb shank pieces in curry sauce with tomato, carrots, paprika and garlic.
Lammkeulenstücke mit gemischtem Gemüse,
Lamb shank pieces with mixex vegetables.
Lamb shank pieces with mixex vegetables.
Lammkeulenstücke in pikanter Sauce mit Ingwer, Tomaten, Paprika, Knoblauch, Zwiebeln.
Lamb shank pieces in curry sauce with ginger, tomato, paprika, garlic, onions.
Lamb shank pieces in curry sauce with ginger, tomato, paprika, garlic, onions.
- 63: Lamb Mushroomi
- 17,90€
Lammkeulenstücke mit gewürzten frischen Champignons & Tomaten.
Lamb shank pieces with fresh mushrooms and spices with tomato.
Lamb shank pieces with fresh mushrooms and spices with tomato.