Fisch & Meeresfrüchte - Fish & Seafood
Weiß-Heilbutt Stücke (Wildfang) in einer milden Sauce aus Sahne und pürierten Mangos.
White-Hailbut (Wild Catch) pieces in a sauce of milk cream and pureed mango..
White-Hailbut (Wild Catch) pieces in a sauce of milk cream and pureed mango..
Weiß-Heilbutt-Stücke (Wildfang) in pikanter Sauce mit Tomaten, Zwiebeln, Knoblauch und Ingwer.
White Hailbut (White Catch) pieces in a spicy sauce with tomatoes, onions, garlic and ginger..
White Hailbut (White Catch) pieces in a spicy sauce with tomatoes, onions, garlic and ginger..
- 92: Machi Danesk
- 18,90€
Weiß-Heilbutt-Stücke (Wildfang) in einer exotischen Sauce aus Sahne, Linsen und Ananas.
White-Hailbut (Wild Catch) pieces in an exotic sauce with milk cream, lentils and pineapple.
White-Hailbut (Wild Catch) pieces in an exotic sauce with milk cream, lentils and pineapple.
In Kräutern & Gewürzen marinierte Weiß-Heilbutt Stücke (Wildfang) im Tandoor gegrillt.
White Hailbut (Wild Catch) pieces marinated with herbs / spices, grilled in tandoori..
White Hailbut (Wild Catch) pieces marinated with herbs / spices, grilled in tandoori..
Riesengarnelen in aromatischer Kombination mit Blattspinat, Tomaten und Zwiebeln.
King Prawns in aromatic combination with leaf spinach, tomatoes and onions..
King Prawns in aromatic combination with leaf spinach, tomatoes and onions..
Marinierte Riesengarnelen im Tandoori gegrillt (Spezialität aus dem Indus-Tal).
Marinated King Prawns, grilled in Tandoori (a speciality from the Indus-Valley).
Marinated King Prawns, grilled in Tandoori (a speciality from the Indus-Valley).
Riesengarnelen in delikater Sauce mit Tomaten, Zwiebeln, Knoblauch und Ingwer.
King Prawns in delicate sauce with tomatoes, onions, garlic and ginger..
King Prawns in delicate sauce with tomatoes, onions, garlic and ginger..
Riesengarnelen in exotischer Sauce aus Sahne, Linsen und Ananas.
King Prawns in an exotic sauce with milk cream, lentils and pineapple.
King Prawns in an exotic sauce with milk cream, lentils and pineapple.
Riesengarnelen in einer milden Sauce aus Sahne, Mango, Kokos und Cashewpaste.
King Prawns in a mild sauce wilth milk cream, coconut and cashew paste.
King Prawns in a mild sauce wilth milk cream, coconut and cashew paste.
Lachs Stücke in aromatischer Kombination mit Blattspinat, Tomaten und Zwiebeln.
Salmon pieces in aromatic combination with leaf spinach, tomatoes and onions.
Salmon pieces in aromatic combination with leaf spinach, tomatoes and onions.
Riesengarnelen in roter Chilli-Sauce mit Paprika, Knoblauch und Ingwer.
King Prawns in red chilli sauce with Capsicum, garlic and Ginger.
King Prawns in red chilli sauce with Capsicum, garlic and Ginger.